Sunday, December 21, 2014

Check out these numbers!!! A big thank you to everyone who downloaded my book! From just a little hobby I enjoy, to best seller rank, is unbelievable to me. Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed Firestar Released.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Firestar Released in Paperback!

As much as I love my electronic device for downloading and reading books, sometimes I just need to feel a good book between my hands. There is something special about the smell of ink, the feel of pages turning, and the crease in your favorite part of the book.
So, I am pleased to announce Firestar Released is now in paperback form!
I have listed it at the cheapest price createspace will allow, since the reason is not to make a lot of money, but make my title available to everyone. This is for all my readers who don't have an electronic device or still prefer the real thing. 

Check it out!